My PhpStorm Customisations and Settings
This note was updated on 15 Aug, 2024 at 21:42.
Maybe one day I’ll get round to using a settings repository, but for the moment going through this list with a fresh installation of PhpStorm takes a couple of minutes, so eh.
Note: The search functionality in PhpStorm’s Settings window is pretty good, so I haven’t included the whole hierarchy of menus you need to drill down to find a particular setting. Use the setting name formatted in italics as the search term.
In addition to the plugins that come bundled with PhpStorm, I also use IdeaVim (because I’m one of those people), Key Promoter X, and Laravel Idea.
Removing as much of the interface as possible
I’m also one of these people.
- Turn on Use contrast scrollbars.
- Turn on Use smaller indents in trees.
- Turn off Show tool window bars.
- Right-click the status bar and turn on the Memory Indicator.
- Turn off Display icons in menu items.
- Turn on Widescreen tool window layout (where appropriate).
- Remove tabs completely (set Tab Placement to None) and instead rely on Ctrl+E to switch between recent files.
- Turn off Show browsers popup in the editor.
- Hide the navigation bar ( → → ).
If using the New UI Beta:
- Turn on Compact mode.
IdeaVim customisations and settings
Ensure that the .ideavimrc configuration file from my dotfiles is installed.
On macOS, make IdeaVim a more pleasant experience by running
defaults write com.jetbrains.PhpStorm ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
in the terminal.
Miscellaneous customisations and settings
Check that PhpStorm is aware of all available PHP CLI interpreters in Languages & Frameworks → PHP in the Settings window.
Set the IDE theme to Darcula or Dark, depending on whether you’re using the existing UI or the New UI Beta.
Set the editor font to Iosekva Term.
Set default visual guides at 72 and 78 characters.
Set the Project Opening’s Default directory.