My PhpStorm Customisations and Settings
Maybe one day I’ll get round to using a settings repository, but for the moment going through this list with a fresh installation of PhpStorm takes a couple of minutes, so eh.
Note: The search functionality in PhpStorm’s Settings window is pretty good, so I haven’t included the whole hierarchy of menus you need to drill down to find a particular setting. Use the setting name formatted in italics as the search term.
In addition to the plugins that come bundled with PhpStorm, I also use IdeaVim (because I’m one of those people), Key Promoter X, and Laravel Idea.
Removing as much of the interface as possible
I’m also one of these people.
- Set the IDE theme to Dark.
- Turn on Use contrast scrollbars.
- Turn on Compact mode.
- Turn off Display icons in menu items.
- Turn on Use smaller indents for tree views.
- Right-click the status bar and turn on the Memory Indicator.
- Turn on Widescreen tool window layout (where appropriate).
- Remove tabs completely (set Tab Placement to None) and instead rely on Ctrl+E to switch between recent files.
- Turn off Show browsers popup in the editor.
- Hide the navigation bar ( → → ).
IdeaVim customisations and settings
- Ensure that the .ideavimrc configuration file from my dotfiles is installed.
- On macOS, make IdeaVim a more pleasant experience by running
defaults write com.jetbrains.PhpStorm ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
in the terminal.
Miscellaneous customisations and settings
- Check that PhpStorm is aware of all available PHP CLI interpreters in Languages & Frameworks → PHP in the Settings window.
- Set the editor font to Iosekva Term.
- Set default visual guides at 72 and 78 characters.
- Set the Project Opening’s Default directory.
- Set the available language for the editor’s natural language gubbins to English (Great Britain).
- Turn on all Refactoring opportunities for the Default profile.
- Turn off Enable local Full Line completion suggestions.